Air Division

At Air Division, we believe that good design today should be used to improve the usefulness and aesthetic forms of objects to better serve people’s needs. Hence our design approach is based on the sincere application of the fundamental qualities of good…

” Make your space where you can surround yourself with things that have meaning for you, that give you a sense of self. “

Angie Anakis

Born in New York, of French nationality. Lives and works in Paris. Graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris. 
Founded the agency an-ARCHI DESIGN in 1997. 

“Design is the spirit of matter. This for me is the…

“Design is the spirit of matter.”


+Artefact, a multidisciplinary design agency, was founded by Yoann Jacquon (born 28th July 1989) in 2014.
Our field of expertise stretches from objects to spaces, sport to furniture, scientific research to everyday life.
We are particularly…

« Design is the expression of human intelligence within its relationship with nature. »

Atelier BL 119- Blain & Dixneuf

Grégory Blain
– Internationale Möbelmesse Köln, ” Inspired by cologne”, with the projects “le Grenier et la Plateforme”

– Exhibition: Off,5 – biennale de design de Saint-Étienne
– Exhibition: VIA des écoles


Our creative approach is to use and appropriate elements from nature, architecture, industry or other fields to bring our projects to birth. Our work centres on the creation of domestic, poetic environments.

François Azambourg

Lauréat de la villa Médicis hors les murs (2003) ; Lauréat du Grand Prix du Design de Paris (2004) ; three times lauréat du concours Top Plastique ; lauréat du concours du Musée des Arts Décoratifs.

François Azambourg devotes himself to the…

“Innovation, invention, respect for materials and technological poetry.”

Marta Bakowski


Marta Bakowski was born in Paris in 1986.
During the eight years she spent first in London and then Berlin, she developed and cultivated a transversal approach, building on a type of design which evidenced curiosity the creative and manufacturing…

” I like to approach a problem from the opposite direction. Colour and material are not, for me, finishing steps but the starting point for a project. Without them, the object will have no soul.”

René Barba

American René Barba was born in Havana, Cuba in 1965. He studied at Miami Dade Community College between 1986 and 1988, and graduated in design from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris (1991-1994). Has worked for many years to…


“To offer a design adapted to the contemporary way of life: comfortable minimalism.”

Guillaume Bardet

Guillaume Bardet was born in Rouen in 1971, where he lived until the age of 15 years before moving to Paris.

At the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, from which he graduated in 1999, he met Jean-Marie Massaud, which whom he…

“I like to study the world and its daily life. I like to dream about it. Ultimately, my pieces are dreams given form.”

François Bauchet


Designer of furniture, objects and tableware ; scenographer and interior architect.

He was elected ‘créateur de l’année 2002’ at the Salon du Meuble de Paris.

In 2000, the Musée des Arts décoratifs organised a personal exhibition… 

“To accompany the evolution of ways of life with objects which affirm it by their presence.”

Marina Bautier

Born in Brussels on 22nd March 1980.

Education & training: 

1999 – 2002 : BA (Hons) in Contemporary Furniture Design at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, High Wycombe, England.
1998 – 1999 :Foundation in Art and… 

“When developing her products, Marina Bautier often begins by observing ordinary everyday activities. The furniture and objects she creates are user-friendly and devoid of all affectation. Furniture and objects whose tranquil normality conceals myriad tiny attentions. Furniture and objects which perform a service without ever being burdensome.”

Marc Berthier

Marc Berthier trained at the Ecole supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. In 1967, he was behind a small revolution in the field of design, creating the very first collection of affordable plastic furniture: this was the famous Ozoo collection, the children’s… 

“Lightness is going straight to the essentials whilst keeping away from obsolescence. This is one of the continuing challenges of a designer.”

Sybille Berger

Born in Lille in 1987. 
Graduated from the ENSCI-Textile with a masters in textile design in 2010. 
One year placement with Inga Sempé plus 6 months in the Petit h Hermès studio. 
Currently working on her final project for her industrial… 

“Unravelling the codes of textiles to unveil them as an object.”

Philippe Boisselier

Designer, scenographer and interior architect.
Lectures in interior architecture and design at the Beaux-Arts and at the école Camondo, of which he was director between 1989 and 1992.
A former student at the école Boulle and the école Nationale… 

“A pared-down look, infused with references.”


Rémi Bouhaniche

Rémi Bouhaniche is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieur Art & Design de Saint Etienne (ESADSE). 
He was a pupil of Eric Jourdan and François Bauchet, by whom he was greatly influenced.
He has worked with the Institut Bocuse. He spent a year in… 

“Design is a tale of encounters.”

R. & E. Bouroullec

Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec were born in Quimper, in 1971 and 1976 respectively. 

On leaving the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Ronan began working independently, assisted more and more by Erwan, who was then studying at the Ecole des… 

“A work based around the intimate understanding of objects which are at once simple and intelligent, sensibly-designed and interrogatory, and as close as possible to reality…”

Mathilde Bretillot

Born in Paris in 1959.

“A kind of feminine dandyism, rare, dancing and light.” In the words of design historian Brice d’Antras, Mathilde Bretillot “practises, with the required degree of indispensable rigour, a kind of feminine design… 

Claude Brisson

1972 : Graduate of the Ecole des Métiers d’Art, holder of Certificats Architecture from the Ecole des Arts et Métiers Jean Prouvé.

1973-1974 : L’Abaque Marc Alessandri design bureau, hotel fit-outs.

1975-1976 : Compagnie… 

“Imagination alone gives design its freedom.”

Florian Brillet

Born in Rennes, France in 1978, Florian Brillet is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Bretagne.
Since his studies his interest has been the depiction of complex forms, most notably developing the roof structure of the St… 

“I love making and perfecting objects in a spirit of accuracy and simplicity.” 

Studio Briand Berthereau

Biography of Joran Briand 
1983 Born in Vannes, Brittany
2004 Graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure des arts appliqués (Ensaama)
2007 Graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieures des arts décoratifs (Ensad)
2007 – 2011… 

“We love to erode the design of each object in order to remove all superfluous features and exalt its emotive power.”

Itamar Burstein

Born in Haifa, Israel in 1974.
Graduate of the Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, Jerusalem – department of industrial design. 
Having graduated in 2002, he has collaborated on a broad range of projects with a large number of international… 

“For me, design is a journey of long-term refinement.”


Stephen Burks

Stephen Burks is one of the most recognized American industrial designers of his generation. He and his New York studio, Readymade Projects, have been responsible for creative design direction on projects ranging from retail interiors and events to… 

“Design is not form, design is not style. 
Design is the appropriate relationship of things related to people and culture.”

Busetti Garuti Redaelli

Manuela Busetti and Andrea Garuti met while studying Industrial Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, where they were already teaming up to work on design issues. In 2004, the year of the XX Compasso d’Oro ADI, they were accorded the ‘Progetto… 

“Being eclectic, being pragmatic. From the industrial product to the limited series, researching and sensitivity to define new interpretations.”


Chape&Mache is the creative partnership of Aurélie Chapelle (born 1986) and David Machado (born 1984). Having graduated with honours from the école supérieure des beaux arts d’Angers in 2011, their collaboration really began in 2013, under the name… 

« Drawing inspiration from everyday life for design which bears the imprint of multiple scenarios. »

Pierre Charpin

Born in 1962. A trained plastic artist, Pierre Charpin has dedicated most of his time to the design of furniture and objects since the beginning of the 1990’s.
Since then his work as been just as likely to veer towards experimental projects on which… 

“To render existence richer and more responsive. Design must be a means of achieving this, rather than an end.”

Amandine Chhor & Aïssa Logerot

Diplômés de l’ENSCI-Les Ateliers, Amandine Chhor et Aïssa Logerot ont commencé leur propre carrière en travaillant respectivement cinq années pour des agences d’architecture et de design, et des entreprises comme Hermès. De 2009 à 2012, ils collaborent… 

« Nous sommes complémentaires dans notre travail. Nous partageons la même vision du design et nous sommes passionnés par les matériaux, l’artisanat et les procédés industriels de fabrication. A travers nos différentes collaborations, nous essayons de concevoir des objets qui tendent à une justesse entre fonction, forme et technique, des objets qui tiennent compte des problématiques contemporaines et font rimer durabilité et usage quotidien. »

Gabriela Chicherio

The projects of Gabriela Chicherio (born 1980), who graduated from the ECAL, Lausanne in 2004, are always considered from a functional perspective whilst incorporating beauty of form and ‘that little extra’ to make them unforgettable. 
In 2004, Ligne… 

“Chaotic order, dark corners illuminated, artificial nature, ordinary presciosities, I love to plunge myself into contradictions !”

Coralie Miessen

A graduate of the Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts visuels de La Cambre (2012), where she has also lectured since September 2017, Liège-based textile Coralie Miessen describes her studio’s approach thus: “I am interested in minimal intervention, simple… 

“I see textile design as an independent discipline, with its own language, as well as a field constantly in interaction and open to multiple encounters. “

Florian Dach et Dimitri Zephir

Our approach to design is first and foremost reflective and behavioural.
We use our observations of human behaviour, and of the materials which establish our ways of thinking and designing. We are attentive to that which exists. We look at the way in… 

Damaris & Marc

The Damaris & Marc design studio was founded in 2007 by Damaris Bilbao from Paris and Marc Navarro from Barcelona. 
Initially the studio worked on a self-generative basis, managing both the creative process and the production of their creations. 

“A design which generates emotion and happiness.”

Philippe Daney

Born in 1956. 

Architecte D.P.L.G (diplômé par le gouvernement). Founded the company Tebong with P. Bauer (1986-1995).

He has devised scenography for the VIA (1997), La Villette (2000) and the T.N.B (Théâtre National de Bretagne),… 

“There is a certain amount of experimentation with regard to function, to poetry. It is this experimentation which gives a product its meaning.”

D. Debiasi & F. Sandri

Daniel Debiasi (1981), who graduated in Industrial Design at the Politecnico di Milano, and Federico Sandri (1977), who graduated in Industrial Design at the IUAV University in Venice, met in Milan where they both led projects for several international… 

Florent Degourc

Born in 1977.
Having studied civil engineering and with a very definite desire for creativity, he then chose to allow his career path to be dictated by his professional experience. After ten years working for an agency, he decided to open his own…

“Oriented or rather disoriented studies, an atypical career, opportunism, this is the recipe with which I came to be doing what I love. I do not pretend to be revolutionizing the discipline, far from it, I simply try to bring a playful, practical touch to my everyday observations.”

Delo Lindo

Delo Lindo was founded in 1986 by Fabien Cagani and Laurent Matras, both graduates of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. 
They work in fields as varied as spatial design (interior architecture projects for the Orchestre… 

“Design : passion, imagination, intuition and perseverance.”

Jan Christian Delfs

After an initial training in cabinetmaking and carpentry, Jan Christian Delfs studied industrial design at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel. Since 2005 he has designed products for international companies. He also lectures in design schools in both Kiel… 

“A good design is clear, simple and stirring.”

Iris Delvalle

A designer of objects, Iris Delvalle confesses to a particular interest in everyday objects for their creative, inspiring potential. They enable her to perceive the space around an object as a system in perpetual movement, juggling usage, symbolism, signs… 

“We are constantly seeking the correct aesthetic expression of the material and the technology with which we are working; in search of the right balance between traditional wisdom and industrial production.”

Avril de Pastre

Avril de Pastre was born on 20th April 1987. After three years spent studying at the école des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, she was awarded her DNAP (Diplôme National d’Arts Plastiques) ‘avec les félicitations du jury’ (with honours). 
In 2009 she entered… 

“What I do is nourished by the optimism I require to be able to design and to envisage desirable futures.”

Thibault Desombre

Cabinetmaker and Compagnon du Tour de France, Thibault Desombre, impassioned by furniture and design, enrolled at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris in 1981.

On leaving ENSAD, his first products were produced by P. Parent (1983),… 

“To succeed with an object is to outline the basic essentials in order to bring meaning.”


Design By O

“To decode the evolution of behaviour and devise elements capable of participating in it.”

Martino D’Esposito

Born in Cyprus in 1976, of Italian-Swiss origin, Martino d’Esposito spent his childhood in the Middle East before studying in Switzerland.

Later, he set his sights on interior decoration, then industrial design, studying at the prestigious… 

“These objects which speak to us …”

Desjeux Delaye

DESJEUX DELAYE is an interior architecture and design agency founded by Dorothée Delaye and Daphné Desjeux. This duo dreams up almost masculine decorative schemes with sharp, clean lines. They love to mix genres and eras so that spaces do not become… 

“Think of spaces as stages on which stories can be told.”

Nathalie Dewez

Nathalie Dewez lives and works in Brussels. Having graduated from the école des Arts Visuels de La Cambre in 2001, the main focus of her work is lighting design. 
A mélange of poetry and rigour, her chandeliers, wall lights and floor lamps are light… 

” Functional lightness. “

Emmanuel Dietrich

Emmanuel Dietrich was born in Besançon in 1969. 

He graduated from the Ecole Boulle in interior architecture, and rapidly discovered his own way of working. 

After working for Facom and Ardi, he designed the famous ‘Harnais’ watch… 

“Design is above all a social craft, a way of life, which evades imprisonment. The human being is always at the heart of my work.”

Diego Sferrazza

Born 9th October 1976, in Sassari, Italy.
I live and work in Milan, where I studied History of Art at the Università Statale, in Milan. I have been working as an industrial designer since 2000, working with some studios and show-rooms. My projects… 

” My approach to design is both technical and aesthetic, where the mix of materials, function, workmanship and proportions gives to the objects an impression of simplicity and an elegant character that allows them to empathize with the environments that surround them. “

Dögg & Arnved Design Studio

© Dögg & Arnved Design Studio is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. 
An agency capable of operating in fields as varied as the design of installations, products or furniture, interior design and graphics.
The creative approach of Dögg & Arnved Design… 

“Design is enriched by its interactions with the worlds of art and architecture.”

Claudio Dondoli & Marco Pocci

Claudio Dondoli and Marco Pocci met at the Faculty of Architecture, Florence.

In 1983, having shared not only their studies but also an intense artistic and theatrical experience, they founded their own design agency at Colle Val D’Elsa,… 

“Creativity, a feel for reality, respect and attention to the public.”

Jean-François D’Or

Jean François d’or (1974), industrial designer.

2005 & 2006 : bonbonne for Cinna, collection of vases and lights.

2003 : founding of Loudordesign studio – industrial product design – Brussels

2001 : light belgique -… 

“A strange phosphorescence covers the humblest of objects as if poetry were only a case of ordinary things becoming extraordinary.” Georges Linze.

Marie Christine Dorner

Paris, Tokyo, London : soujourns abroad which kick-started the career of Marie-Christine Dorner.

Designer, interior architect and graduate of the école Camondo, Paris, she spent a year in Tokyo designing her first collection of furniture for… 

“I make the same demands of the objects I design as I do of my dearest friends : I like them sometimes strong and flamboyant, sometimes discreet and loyal, but always shrewd.”

Blandine Dubos

Blandine Dubos, having obtained a ‘diplôme d’études fondamentales en architecture (DEFA)’ from the école d’architecture, Bordeaux, graduated from the école Camondo with ‘félicitations’ in June 2003 (certificat d’études supérieures en architecture intérieure… 

“Lightness, which promotes wellbeing’in an instant!” Blandine Dubos.

B. Dubos & R. Fard

Richard Fard studied interior architecture and design along with Blandine Dubos at the école Camondo, from which he graduated with ‘mention du jury’ in 2003. He began his career as a designer by assisting in the creation of new commercial concepts such as… 

“To live one’s era as one imagines it'” Richard Fard.
“Lightness, which promotes wellbeing’in an instant!” Blandine Dubos.

Michel Ducaroy

Born into a family of industrialists and designers of contemporary furniture. Trained at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Lyon.

Having joined the Roset Company very early on, at a time of rapid growth, he has constant access to insightful… 

“One discovers – another lives with.”

Jacques Ducru

Born in Versailles in 1946. After a classical education, extensive travels all over the world very quickly opened my mind. A few brief, varied jobs then I spent 10 years or so working as a buyer for a company specializing in ‘handcrafts from across the…

« The key to understanding my creations: keep your eyes wide open ! »

Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance

A designer of both environments and objects, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance was born in Mende, France in 1975. Raised in a creative environment, he defines his own language with the help of forms which are at once natural, flexible, organic, fluid and structured…. 

“I sincerely believe that there are emotional links woven between men, spaces and objects.”

Fabien Dumas

Fabien Dumas was born in Fort de France in 1976.

After graduating from the Universität der Künste (HdK), Berlin in 2003, he opened his own studio, TooManyDesigners.
That same year, Ingo Maurer gave him his big break by producing his first… 

“My work in two words: emotion and pleasure.”

Philippine Dutto

Born in Nice in 1987.
Graduated from ENSCI-les Ateliers (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle), Paris in 2010.
-dissertation: ‘Antichambre / Fiction dramatique d’un ensemble de pensées’. Mentored by Sophie Coiffier.

“Nothing is always good.”

e27, Tim Brauns

Tim Brauns and his two partners founded e27 in Berlin 25 years ago. 
Since then he has designed objects, taught students all over the world and realized projects in all categories of design. 
The idea of ‘softruck’ came after the birth of his… 

I like mechanics, intelligent and simple solutions – “Most of them exist already – you just have to find them and put them in a different context !”

Benjamin Faure

Born in Lyon on 17th July 1979.
Having obtained a degree in industrial design and finished his training at the ESAD (Ecole Supérieur d’Art et de Design de Reims), he spent several years working for an advertising agency before opening his own design… 

“Playing with materials to create a body. Playing with convention to create a personality.”

Pierre Favresse

Born in St. NAZAIRE, October 1979. 

2008 > Competition winner, Cinna révélateur de talents
> Lectures in the ‘Design Objet’ department at ENSAD 
Since 2005 > Works for the Mathieu Lehanneur design agency
2006 > His… 

To seek to identify new fields of creativity, in order to dream up scenarios which facilitate the development of pieces which are both good and innovative.

Jonas Forsman Lars Wettre

Jonas Forsman was born 1979 and Lars Wettre was born 1978. 

In 2006, after graduating in industrial design engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, they started working together on several design projects. 

Since then… 

“Every new product must bring a new aspect to the market. A strong focus on function and solving technical issues in clever and simple ways. Great consideration and care are brought into every detail.”

Constance Frapolli

Born in 1991, Constance Frappolli graduated in interior architecture and design from the école Camondo in 2016. She now lives in Paris, where she works on a range of projects as part of a design studio. 
In her own projects, she seeks to use the… 

« I like to work on projects which are based around narrative questions, the importance of detail and the emotions elicited by the object. »


In 2006, Danish architect Stine Gam and Italian architect Enrico Fratesi founded their agency GamFratesi in Copenhagen. 

Stine Gam was born in Copenhagen in 1975 and studied architecture in Aarhus, Denmark until 2006. During her studies she… 

“Our inspiration is often based around contrasts.”

Lili Gayman

Designer Lili Gayman was born in Paris in 1984. 
Lili Gayman has worked for various designers and artists : Arnold Goron, Mathilde Bretillot, François Azambourg, Tomas Kràl and Stéphane Barbier Bouvet. In 2012, she was the winner of Design Parade 7… 

” I design objects, furniture and spaces and create motifs in various formats. Through minimal, playful creations I question the everyday with humour and poetry in order to create the unusual, the unexpected. My objects offer great freedom of use. Each one is an experience to discover; they cannot be understood immediately, each one requires a little time, a step away, an immersion, a gesture.”

Christian Ghion

Christian Ghion was born in Montmorency, France in 1958.
After studying law for five years, he decided to enrol at the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Conflans, in the furniture design studies department.
At the age of 28 he teamed up with Patrick… 

“You have to do stuff that average people don’t understand because those are the only good things.” Andy Warhol.

Elia Gilli

Born in 1960.

1979-1983 : trained as a gold/silversmith

1984-1988 : continued his studies at the Ecole d’Art, Berne.

1990-1994 : studied dance; art studio in Paris.

1994 : opened his own Studio in… 

“Consider, examine, be astonished, search, discover : gain quality of life by concentrating on the essentials.”

Alban-Sébastien Gilles

Born 20th November 1969. Lives and works in Paris. 
Having obtained a degree in Lettres et Arts, Alban Gilles continued his studies in Jean-Claude Maugirard’s furniture training workshop at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.

“My creative approach exemplifies my taste for a simple, identifiable and functional style.”

Alain Gilles

Design as a second life. After studying Political Sciences and Marketing Management, Alain Gilles went on to work in the financial world. But one has to live his own life. So, thanks to the moral support of his wife, he went back to studying Industrial… 

“Working on what I generally call “Simplexity”, simple yet complex designs. Designs that have several layers of understanding. But also on “New Simplicity”, that is to say designs that have a strong identity but tend to use a minimum amount of material needed.”

Didier Gomez

A designer since 1978 (the year in which his first furniture collections were launched) and an interior architect since 1985, Didier Gomez designs both furniture and spaces (boutiques, large stores, apartments, private homes, head offices) all over the… 

“To replace the human being at the centre, in a modernity which shall only be miscegenation.”

Gonçalo Campos

Born in 1986.

Gonçalo Campos is a Portuguese product designer who graduated in Lisbon in 2008.

Directly after graduating he was selected for a residency at la Fabrica, Benetton’s communications research centre, based in Treviso,… 

“Design lives between imagination and pragmatism. We are free to create and express, keeping in mind the reality of people’s lives and expectations of a product.”

Lara Grand

Diplômée avec félicitations du jury de l’Ecole Camondo en 2013, Lara Grand, architecte d’intérieur et designer, a travaillé pour diverses agences à Paris et à l’étranger.

C’est dans ce cadre qu’elle a participé à des chantiers d’appartements… 

“Le design est une forme de communication qui tisse des liens entre les peuples et les époques.”

Benjamin Graindorge

Born 10th August 1980

15th March 2006 – obtained diploma from E.N.S.C.I. with special mention for his diploma project.
Diploma project: ‘Paysage domestique / Environnement naturant’.
4 contemplative objects,… 

“It’s these details which make the difference.”

Damien Hamon

Damien Hamon, a trained cabinet-maker, made his début into the world of design by making furniture for designers.
Such encounters served to deepen his desire for further investigation.
Today, he works on his own projects and collaborates on others. 

“Creating something new, this is an old idea.”
The world which surrounds us is always there to be grasped. We will never finish discovering it. Such curiosity feeds our imaginations. Experimentation as a route to understanding, where truths are eternally brought into question.


Damien Hamon, a trained cabinet-maker, made his début into the world of design by making furniture for designers.
Such encounters served to deepen his desire for further investigation.
Today, he works on his own projects and collaborates on others. 

“Each project is always the result of a delicate equation between function and aesthetics, with the material as the common denominator.”

Hertel & Klarhoefer

Peter Christian Hertel, born in 1968, and Sebastian Klarhoefer, born in 1966, have known each other since childhood. They studied architecture in Berlin and Venice, completing their studies in 1994, and in Berlin in 1996. 
Their first joint furniture…

“Berlin is our inspiration. European, urban, creative and dynamic.”

Annie Hiéronimus

Born in Paris. Artistic training : Ecole des Métiers d’Arts et des Arts Appliqués. Graduated with the BTS (brevet de technicien supérieur). 

Joined the Roset Bureau d’Etudes in 1976. Her last creations for Ligne Roset were: Opus, Petit Matin,…


” As the light plays on objects, the imagination takes flight. Transfixed, I ask it to help me create.”

Martin Hirth

Martin Hirth was born 1987 in Horb in the Black Forest (Germany) and graduated 2014 from the the University of Art and Design Offenbach in product design. While still studying, he founded his own studio and worked also as assistant of designer Sebastian…

« A good product has to be charming, but also sustainable and durable – material and visual ways. »

Arthur Hoffner

Born in Paris in 1990.
Attracted very early on to working with materials, I studied for my BAC in Applied Arts from the Ecole Boulle from 2005, at the same time indulging my passion for the forge and artistic ironwork. 
I joined the ENSCI in…

“I am fascinated by the growth of techniques, by the assocation of ancient skills and emerging technologies.”

Benjamin Hubert

Born in 1984, Benjamin Hubert obtained a degree in Industrial Design from Loughborough University in 2006.
His London agency opened its doors in 2007, specializing in industrial design (furniture, lighting and products) and collaborating with various…

“Impassioned by materials. Guided by processes.”